To-Go, please.

If you couldn’t tell by now, Singaporeans LOVE their food.  Everyone on the tiny island is a foodie in their own right, and on more than one occasion, I have been sucked into a debate about which hawker stall or restaurant makes better food.  Combine this love of food with a busy and bustling lifestyle, and what you get is a very “to-go” friendly food culture.

Now, I realize that you can get food to-go in the U.S., and you’re probably thinking that this is shaping up to be a very boring post.  Oh ye of little faith.  What makes getting food to-go in Singapore different is the way it’s packaged, and to me, Singapore has packing food down to a science.

Unlike the U.S. where we put everything into giant, bulky foam containers, many places in Singapore wrap their food in this brown paper stuff that has a thin plastic inner lining to prevent leakage.  Everything is rubber-banded, put into a plastic bag, and looks like this:

Super nifty and efficient.  And the best part is the yummy-ness on the inside:

Chicken cutlet rice with cucumbers and chili sauce.  All for $2 SGD ($1.54 USD).  Yes, please.  And did you catch a look at the really cute chili sauce packet?

For some reason the chili sauce packaging kills me.  so.  cute. 🙂

If you happen to go to a REALLY local place, you might be lucky enough to get some of your food wrapped up in a BANANA LEAF:

How totally old-school-local-island-Jungle-Book-esque is that?  I don’t get my food wrapped in a banana leaf often, but when I do, I LOVE it.

And look at how they give you drinks!  Yes, the plastic cup is nothing new, but they put this little plastic handle on it so it’s so much easier to carry around 🙂

Why don’t we do this in the U.S.?  It’s so much easier to carry a drink at your side instead of balancing it in your hand and worrying about spilling.  The simplicity of it all blows my mind.  Kaboom.

And just for kicks and giggles, here’s a picture of the giant cat that hangs out around the MRT station right outside my uncle’s place:

Ok.  Random post done.  Talk to you guys later!

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